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Launch Services
C6 Launch is committed to providing customers with convenient launch service. Our team will work with you to coordinate a full logistical plan, including guidance for registration requirements. With options for launch sites and orbits – as well as a rapid launch manifest – C6 eliminates existing challenges with launching small payloads.

Our Mission
The new space race: make space available to the masses. This democratization of space is now being driven by the “smallsat revolution”. Small, easy to produce and inexpensive satellites have created opportunities for new players and uses. While these small satellites are now fast and flexible to develop, it remains difficult to get them into orbit in a timely fashion. C6 Launch Systems brings a new launch capacity to the market for smallsat payloads up to 100 kg with full access to all orbits from 0° to 110° inclinations. This means the game changers, first movers and those with urgent operational requirements can now deploy smallsats where they want, when they want. Nano and CubeSat customers will no longer need to wait years for the right rideshare, or compromise their orbit or mission. C6 is committed to removing the barriers that keep smallsats from the skies.

The Rocket
C6 Launch’s talented team of engineers have designed a dedicated smallsat launch vehicle that maximizes the use of proven, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology. With a continuous eye to de-risking launch for customers and maximizing reliability, C6 works to source best-in-class components, subsystems and support systems that have a launch heritage, are proven and reliable. Proprietary systems integration, avionics, telemetry and communications, fuel tank design and systems integration bring the components together to serve nano and micro satellites with a reliable rocket.
Our Partners
The following organizations are partners or affiliates of C6 Launch:

SaxaVord Spaceport
Launch Site

Alcântara Space Center (CEA)
Launch Site

Ursa Major Technologies
Engine Supplier

Spaceport America
Integration Test Site

Commercial Space Technologies
Space Brokage and Consultancy

Canadian Space Agency
Government Partner

Mission Control Space Services
Ground Software Development

Satellite Canada
Development Support

Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
Who is c6

Richard McCammon , MASc., ICD.D
President & CEO

Daniel McCammon , MASc.
Vice-President Engineering

Tayo Shonibare , BEng.
Director of Avionics

Sadben Khan , MASc.
Director of Structures & Mechanical Systems

Paulo Vasconcellos
COO, C6 Sistemas de Lançamentos do Brasil Ltda.

Earl Renaud , PhD.

Scott Lindsay , MASc.
Aerodynamics Specialist

Tausif Sharif , MEng.
Software Developer

Larry Chevalier , BComm., MBA
Vice-President Finance

Roger Smibert , BASc., PEng.
Technical Advisory Board

Cathy Welling , ICD.D
Board of Directors Chair